Why are mum2mum markets still going ahead amidst COVID-19?One question we have been asked a lot over the last few days is 'Why are mum2mum markets still going ahead amidst COVID19?'
The answer is that we are trying to be level headed and listen to the official advice drawn up by the experts and at the moment that advice is that we should continue. Whatever we think of Boris, these decisions are being made by experts and scientists who have spent their entire working careers studying viruses and public health outbreaks and we trust that they know what they are doing. We also know that the people that attend our events are not high risk for developing complications from Covid-19. The Royal College of Obstetricians has issued advice that pregnant women and babies are not at higher risk than the healthy general population and we are reassured by this. This weekend we have gone ahead with our events up and down the country (with the exception of 2 events- an event organiser sickness and a venue issue). These events have been a great success. Buyer numbers were a little down on usual and we anticipated this and had a few less stalls to compensate and maintain the balance of buyers and sellers we need for a great sale. What we found was that the buyers who turned out came ready to shop, and shop they did! Seller satisfaction scores were high and the sellers average sales were similar to a normal day. This weekend also gave us the opportunity to talk to our customers about the current situation. The resounding message we got from buyers and sellers was that they want us to keep going as long as we can. Obviously if the official advice changes and we have to postpone our events then we will act accordingly and cancel events. In the meantime please support your local mum2mum market and shop while you can!If we go into a lockdown situation we have no idea how long it might be for- it is likely to be months, rather than weeks- so we don't know when the next markets might be. You can read the most up to date guidance here: Comments are closed.